Monday, January 27, 2020

How does laser eye surgery work?

How does laser eye surgery work? | Dan Reinstein
(Como funciona a cirurgia ocular a laser)
Translated into Brazilian Portuguese and subtitled by Maurício Kakuei Tanaka.
Reviewed and approved by Leonardo Silva.

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In 1948, Spanish ophthalmologist Jose Ignacio Barraquer Moner was fed up with glasses. He wanted a solution for blurry vision that fixed the eye itself, without relying on external aids. The surgery he eventually devised was called "keratomileusis," and his technique focused on reshaping the cornea— what we now know as LASIK. So how does laser eye surgery actually work? Dan Reinstein explains.
Lesson by Dan Reinstein, directed by Hype CG.

Veja a lição completa:
Em 1948, o oftalmologista espanhol Jose Ignacio Barraquer Moner estava farto dos óculos. Queria uma solução para a visão embaçada que consertasse o olho em si, sem depender de auxílios externos. A cirurgia que elel acabou criando foi chamada de "queratomileusis", e a técnica dele focava a remodelagem da córnea, conhecida hoje como LASIK. Como a cirurgia ocular a laser funciona na verdade? Dan Reinstein explica.
Lição de Dan Reinstein, direção de Hype CG.

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